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excuse me. what time does the next bus for boston leave?




  it leaves at 8:30.

  在8 点半开车。


A: Hello, my name is Tony.

B: Hi, I am Sarah.

A: Where are you from, Sarah?

B: I am from Australia, and you?

A: I am from China. How old are you?

B: I am ten, and you?

A: I am nine.

A: In which school do you study?

B: No. 10 primary school.


A: Excuse me, do you have pen?

B: Yes, we do. what  colour  do  you like ?

A: I   like   white   pen

B: OK   here  is  a   white   pen

A  How   much   is   it

B  It  is  8    dollar

A   Here   you  are

B: Alright, 

S: Good afternoon, ma'am. Can I help you find an hing?  店员:午安,小姐。要我帮你找东西吗? 

 C: No, thanks. I'm just looking.  顾客:不用,谢谢,我只是看看而已。  

S: We have a special on these skirts this week. Would you like to try one on?  店员:这个礼拜这些裙子是特价品,请问你要试穿一件看看吗? 

C: No, thank you. I don't need any skirts.  顾客:不要,谢谢。我不需要任何裙子。 

 S: How about a blouse? This one here is the latest fashion.  店员:女用衬衫怎么样?这边这一件是最新款的。 

 C: No, thank you.  顾客:不要,谢谢。  

S: Why not try on this lovely pair of shorts? I'm sure they'd look fabulous on you.  店员:何不试穿这件可爱的短裤呢?你穿起来一定非常好看哦。  C: No doubt. Look, I'm just browsing. If I need your help, I'll let you know.  顾客:那当然。是这样啦,我只随便看看而已。如果我需要你帮忙,我会让你知道。 

 S: Take a look at this dress Don't you think it's perfect for you, ma'am? Uh, where are you going, ma'am? Ma'am?  店员:看看这件衣服!小姐,你不认为它非常适合你吗?喂,小姐,你去哪 儿呢?小姐?
